Dedupe Analyzer Tool


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What is my Dedupe Ratio for my Data? Are you considering migrating to an All-Flash Array (AFA)? Do you know what your dedupe and compression ratio will be for your data set? Please download and run the StorTrends Dedupe Analyzer Tool. This tool will install within your existing infrastructure and should be run on the backup volumes of your application databases. This tool will analyze your data and search out comparable blocks that may be a duplicated data block.

This tool runs for seven (7) days within your environment and will provide you with a deduplication estimate once it has completed its cycle. This dedupe ratio will provide you with the required information to put the right AFA configuration into your infrastructure. Why guess at dedupe and compression ratios when you can know?

Download and install the StorTrends Dedupe Analyzer Tool today and discover your actual needs and requirements.

System Requirements

The minimum software and hardware requirements to run this application are as follows:

Software Requirements:

  •  Microsoft® Windows® operating systems (64 bit) (Windows® 7/ Windows® 8 )
  •  Microsoft® Windows® operating systems (64 bit) (Windows® 2008 Server R2/Windows® Server 2012 /Windows® Server 2012 R2)

Hardware Requirements:

  •  1GHz Processor or higher
  •  Minimum of 512 MB of free RAM (up to 1 GB based on data analyzed)
  •  Minimum 15 MB space on hard drive (up to 180 GB if analyzing 10 TB of data)


  •  Once the StorTrends iDATA Dedupe Analyzer tool has been downloaded, double click on the “StorTrends iDATA Dedupe Analyzer.exe” file to start the installation.

  •  Choose where you would like to have the tool’s files saved to and click "Extract".

  •  Once extracted, go to the location you chose to save the tool to and click on “DedupeAnalyzer.exe” to begin the analysis.

  •  You will need to input the following contact information:

    •  Company Name: Name of the company or organization
    •  Contact Name: Name of main contact person to be contacted by StorTrends iDATA team
    •  E-Mail Address: E-mail of contact person
    •  Server Alias Name: Identification name of server in which analysis is being run on
    •  Temporary Directory: directory to be used for temporary data during analysis. Please note that you should not choose the root of the C:\ drive or any of the folders within for this directory. You may choose a network share to use for this. Also, do not use the root of any drive for this (for example E:\ would give an error, but E:\tmp would work fine) and be sure that the directory that you choose is empty. This space will need to be between 512 MB to 180 GB depending on how big the data being analyzed is.

    •  Directory/File(s) to Analyze: Directories and/or files to be analyzed. You may add multiple directories and/or files by using a pipe (“|”) between the different objects, without spaces (for example if you would like to analyze the E:\ drive and the Documents directory in the F:\ drive, you would type “E:\|F:\Documents”). You may choose physical disks, SAN disks, or network shares for the analysis.
  •  Once you have input the information above, you will be asked if you want to start the analysis. Type “yes” when you are ready to start and you will see the StorTrends iDATA Dedupe Analyzer start the process. You will be able to see the current progress on screen. You may press the ‘q’ key at any time to stop the analysis and get an dedupe rate of the data analyzed to that point.

  •  Once the analysis is complete, you will see the output of the analysis and you will notice that the results have also been saved to an XML file. This XML file will be saved to the same location that you originally chose to have the tool saved to. The name of this XML file will be “_deduperesult.xml”. Please take this file and email it to StorTrendsiDATA@ami.com in order for the StorTrends iDATA team to take the information into their overall analysis of your environment.

Known Limitations

  •  The StorTrends iDATA Dedupe Analyzer will need to be run with Administrative privileges.

  •  If a file is currently opened by another user or application, this file will be skipped and will not be taken into consideration for the final dedupe rate. For this reason, it would be better to run the tool on data that is not currently in use by any users or applications or a backup of the data you are wanting to analyze (please be sure the backup is uncompressed).

  •  The temporary directory location should not be the top most location of that drive (for example, do not use E:\, instead use E:\tmp)

  •  Do not use the root of the C:\ drive or any folder within it as the temporary directory

  •  If files are deleted prior to the StorTrends iDATA Dedupe Analyzer completing the analysis may not be included in the final dedupe considerations.